
The day of Bulgarian Education and Culture and the Slavonic script is a Bulgarian publicholiday , celebrated on May 24th. On this day Bulgaria celebratesthe Cyril and Methodius deed – the creation of the Glagolitic.

The Thessalonianbrothers create the Glagolitic alphabetas a prototype of the Bulgarian script and it subsequently goes throughvariouschanges until it is shaped in its present form – Cyrillic, usedin Bulgarian, Russian, Ukrainian, Macedonian, Serbian and other languages.

Linking the date of May 24 to the Day of Slavonic literature and Bulgarian education and culture stems from the fact that when the Gregorian calendar was established as a state civilian calendar, the day of St. St. Cyril and Methodius falls on the 24th of May instead of 11th of May as it is in the church liturgical calendar.

After 1968 the church celebrates St. St. Cyril and Methodius on 11 May and May 24th remains only a Day of Bulgarian education and culture and the Slavonic literature.

Today, the day of the Bulgarian letters and the Bulgarian word, thousands of young people from different educational institutions celebrate their graduation,too.Еxceptthe official Bulgarian feast, the separation with the school is also spectacular solemnized today.

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